
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I trigger Clue card abilities that I take as a penalty for making a wrong guess?
Incorrect guess penalty: You must immediately take 2 consecutive “Play a Clue card” actions. During these penalty actions you cannot use any abilities on Clue cards.
Related Rule(s)
Is there a penalty for an incorrect guess?
Incorrect guess penalty: You must immediately take 2 consecutive “Play a Clue card” actions. During these penalty actions you cannot use any abilities on Clue cards.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if I correctly guess a Secret Number?
Correct guess reward: You receive the guessed Secret Number card and place it face up in front of you as a reminder that you have guessed this Secret Number. Then check the “End of the Game” section to see if you have won.
Related Rule(s)
Am I out of the game if someone gueses my Secret Number?
You still participate in the game. The player whose Secret Number was guessed discards all Clue cards in front of them to the discard pile beside the Clue deck and draws a new Secret Number card from the Secret Number deck.
Related Rule(s)
What happens with my Clue cards when someone guesses my Secret Number?
Discard them
The player whose Secret Number was guessed discards all Clue cards in front of them to the discard pile beside the Clue deck and draws a new Secret Number card from the Secret Number deck.
Related Rule(s)
If someone tries to guess my number do I need to reveal it?
You do not reveal your Secret Number card if another player guessed it incorrectly.
Related Rule(s)
Can I lie about my Secret Number to others?
You may say anything about your Secret Number during the game (though we don't recommend it), but once someone tries to guess your Secret Number you MUST answer truthfully as to whether the guess is correct or incorrect.
Related Rule(s)
Can I guess multiple Secret Numbers in a single turn?
Instead of playing a Clue card, you may guess a number you think someone has. You name the number and the player you think holds it.
Related Rule(s)
How many gueses can I make during my turn?
Only 1
Instead of playing a Clue card, you may guess a number you think someone has. You name the number and the player you think holds it.
Related Rule(s)
What happens with "1 Greater/Lower" Clue cards after a new Secret Number card is revealed?
It depends
Any player with a horizontally placed "The Secret Number is 1 greater (or 1 lower) than any face-up Secret Number" Clue card in front of them discards it to the discard pile beside the Clue deck. Vertically placed "The Secret Number is 1 greater (or 1 lower) than any face-up Secret Number" Clue cards remain in play.
Can "Reveal a Secret Number” cards be re-shuffled back into the Clue deck?
After resolving “Reveal a Secret Number” cards, you return them to the box.
What happens to a “Reveal a Secret Number” Clue card after it is resolved?
Returned to the box
After resolving a “Reveal a Secret Number” card, return it to the box.
What does a “Reveal a Secret Number” Clue card do?
Whenever a “Reveal a Secret Number” card is revealed from the Clue deck, immediately return it to the box and draw a card from the Secret Number deck. Place it face up next to the other face-up Secret Number cards.
Can I trigger the abilities from Clue cards that don't describe my Secret Number?
You can only trigger abilities of cards you play that truthfully describe your Secret Number (placed vertically) in front of you.
How can I trigger a Clue card's ability?
By playing that Clue
You can only trigger abilities of cards you play that truthfully describe your Secret Number (placed vertically) in front of you.
Can I take a Clue card that gives redundant information?
You must choose 1 of the 3 face-up Clue cards that truthfully describes your Secret Number and place it in front of you vertically.
Related Rule(s)
What happens if none of the Clue cards describe my Secret Number?
You take all of them
If none of the 3 Clue cards describe your Secret Number, you must take all 3 Clue cards and place them horizontally in front of you, indicating that none of them are true.
Related Rule(s)
Can I take a Clue card that doesn't describe my Secret Number?
You must choose 1 of the 3 face-up Clue cards that truthfully describes your Secret Number and place it in front of you vertically.
Related Rule(s)
How do I play Clue cards?
You must choose 1 of the 3 face-up Clue cards that truthfully describes your Secret Number and place it in front of you vertically.
Related Rule(s)
When does the game end?
In Deductio you must correctly guess a certain number of Secret Number cards based on the number of players: 3 in a two-player game, or 2 in a three- or four-player game.
Related Rule(s)
What can I do during my turn?
On your turn, you must take one of the following two actions: either play a Clue card OR guess another player's Secret Number.
Related Rule(s)
What does the +1 or -1 symbol with three cards mean?
These symbols appear on Clue cards and mean that your Secret Number card is 1 greater or 1 lower than a face-up displayed Secret Number card in the centre of the table. *Note: centre is a British spelling. If using American English, the correct spelling is "center."
What does # mean on a Secret Number card?
Number of digits
The # or ## symbols on Secret Number cards determine how many digits the number has: 1 or 2. Some Clue cards reference the number of digits on Secret Number cards.
Where should I place a Secret Number card that has been looked at with an Eye ability?
Bottom of the deck
After looking at 1 or 2 top cards of the Secret Number deck because of a card ability, you return those cards to the bottom of the deck.
What does the Eye ability do?
The ability with an eye and one or two cards above it allows you to look at 1 or 2 top cards of the Secret Number deck without showing them to the other players.
What does the Magnifying Glass ability do?
Free Guess
A Magnifying Glass ability allows you to take a free guess without receiving a penalty if you guess incorrectly.
Related Rule(s)
Are there any setup differences for different player counts?
The only difference in the setup is the number of "Reveal a Secret Number" Clue cards used in the game. In a four-player game you will return 2 such cards back to the game box, leaving only 5 of them present in the game.
Related Rule(s)
How many "Reveal a Secret Number" Clue cards are there in the game?
It depends
There are a total of 7 "Reveal a Secret Number" Clue cards in the game, but in a four-player game, only 5 of them are used.
Related Rule(s)
How many Secret Number cards are there in the game?
There are 20 Secret Number cards ranging from 1 to 20.
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