
Reveal a Secret Number - Clue card


Whenever a “Reveal a Secret Number” card is revealed from the Clue deck, immediately return it to the box and draw a card from the Secret Number deck. Place it face up next to the other face up Secret Number cards. These cards show numbers that cannot be the Secret Number of any player.

After a Secret Number card is added to the Secret Number row, replenish the row of face up Clue cards.

Example: At the end of Elena's turn, she replenishes the Clue card row, revealing a “Reveal a Secret Number” card. This card is immediately returned to the box, and she draws a card from the Secret Number deck, placing it alongside the other face-up Secret Number cards.

The revealed Secret Number is“11”, which means that all players now know “11” cannot be the Secret Number that other players are attempting to hide.

Any player with a horizontally placed "The Secret Number is 1 greater (or 1 lower) than any face-up Secret Number" Clue card in front of them discards it to the discard pile beside the Clue deck.

Important: At the end of your turn, the row of Clue cards must always have exactly 3 face up cards.

If the Clue deck runs out, reshuffle the discard pile to form a new Clue deck. Do not shuffle any “Reveal A Secret Number” cards back into the deck!