
Play a Clue card


You must choose 1 of the 3 face up Clue cards that truthfully describes your Secret Number and place it in front of you vertically.

Example: Elena's Secret Number is 19. (Note: The “19” Secret Number card is shown face up in the example but the card would normally be hidden from other players, face down.) On her turn, she places the card in front of her that says “Is greater than or equal to 7”, because that is true.

If none of the 3 Clue cards describe your Secret Number, you must take all 3 Clue cards and place them horizontally in front of you, indicating that none of them is true. Some cards have an ability displayed at the bottom of the card that may be triggered immediately after the card is placed vertically in front of the player. Abilities on cards placed horizontally do not trigger.

Example: Elena is not able to play the cards “Is an even number,” “Is a single digit,” or“Is not 9 or 19” because these cards do not truthfully,describe her Secret Number “19”. She takes all 3 Clue cards and places,them horizontally in front of her, not triggering any ability.

Important: Players can only trigger abilities of cards they play that truthfully describe their Secret Number (placed vertically) in front of them.

After playing 1 or all Clue cards in front of you, replenish the row of face up Clue cards to replace the played cards.