
Guess a Secret Number


Instead of playing a Clue card, you may guess a number you think someone has. You name the number and the player you think holds it. The player must answer truthfully as to whether the guess is correct or incorrect.

Important: You do not reveal your Secret Number card if another player guessed it incorrectly.

Correct guess reward: You receive the guessed Secret Number card and places it face up in front of you as a reminder that you have guessed this Secret Number. Then check the “End of the Game” section to see if you have won.

The player whose Secret Number was guessed discards all Clue cards in front of them to the discard pile beside the Clue deck and draws a new Secret Number card from the Secret Number deck.

Example: During Albert's turn, he examines Elena's Clue cards and becomes convinced that her Secret Number is“19”. He makes his guess, which turns out to be correct. As a result, he acquires Elena's Secret Number card. Elena discards all the Clue cards in front of her and draws a new Secret Number from the Secret Number deck.

Note: Only the player whose Secret Number was guessed reveals the Secret Number card and discards their Clue cards. The rest of the players continue to play with the numbers and clues they have in front of them.

Incorrect guess penalty: You must immediately take 2 consecutive “Play a Clue card” actions.

You replenish the cards after each action.

During these penalty actions you cannot use any abilities on Clue cards.