


Many attacks will do damage to a foe. A wizard whose life reaches 0 is dead and out of the game. Normally only one Attack card can be played a turn, but if it is nullified by a Counter, another one can be played.

A spell attack can be counteracted to avoid or reduce its effects. If not counteracted, it automatically takes effect. Some objects also protect the owner – e.g., the Heartstone reduces all damage that you take.

When all else fails, you can punch a foe in your own or an adjacent square. This requires no card, and cannot be nullified, but the punch counts as your attack for the turn. It does one point of damage.

You may also punch, and eventually destroy, terrain objects from an adjacent square. A wall has 20 damage points, a door has 10, and a Thornbush has 5. A Granite Cube has infinite points!

Physical damage (such as Throwing Star, Large Rock, a punch, falling walls) and magical damage (spells) both take life points from a player, but they may be treated differently; see the cards.

You cannot attack yourself.

Should an object or spell miss its target somehow, it never affects things “behind” the target.
