Tiny Epic Defenders

Gameplay Overview


The game is played in a series of Rounds. Each Round is as follows:

1. Draw and Resolve Turn Cards - During a Round, players draw cards, one at a time, from the Turn Deck until it is depleted, resolving the actions or outcomes of each card and then placing them into the Discard Pile.

2. Reshuffle Turn Cards and Add a Horde Card - When there are no more cards left in the Turn Deck, flip the cards in the Discard Pile and add 1 card from the Horde Deck without revealing it. Shuffle these cards together to make a new Turn Deck to start a new Round.

3. Reveal Epic Foe - If there was no Horde Card to add to the Turn Deck this Round, reveal the Epic Foe instead, and place its card next to its Region Card.