Tiny Epic Defenders

Gaining Artifacts


Artifacts are gained by Defenders when they Defend against Dire Enemies. After Defending, the Defender immediately draws an Artifact Card from the Artifact Deck, placing it next to their Hero Card and then inserting the matching Artifact Item into one of their Defender ITEMeeple’s® hand slots, or into the two slots on its back.

A Defender can hold a maximum of 2 “Hand Artifacts” (1 pin each) and 1 “Back Artifact” (2 pins).

If a Defender gains an Artifact but is already at the maximum amount, the Defender MAY drop one of their Artifacts (both the card and the item) and equip the new Artifact drawn. However, if an Artifact is dropped, it is removed from play and its Artifact Card is shuffled back into the Artifact Deck.
