Aalloille Sea

Board Spaces



(grey spaces, Cards with numbers 1-5)

Once a player has gone around the Compass Island and has landed to their home dock (grey space) with an even number, they draw the top card from the Docking Cards deck. These are extra points at the end of the game. After returning to the home dock players will wait and cheer for others until they return to their home docks.

Harbour Area

(white spaces)

Near the docks players can only proceed at 1 or 2 spaces at a time, even if the die would show more. That's how movement is done near docks in real life too: always slowly and calmly, without causing distraction or damage to boats, others, or self.


(orange spaces, Cards with life preserver)

First Officer draws and reads the Event Card for the player, who then acts accordingly. In the case the player's boat is moved due to an Event, the First Officer will draw and read a new card for the player. Drawn cards go to the bottom of the deck.


(blue spaces, Cards with Aalto symbol )

First Officer draws and reads the Event Card for the player, who then answers the question. If the answer is correct, the player gets to keep the card. For incorrect answers the cards go to the bottom of the deck. In unclear situations other players act as the jury and decide if the player gets to keep the card or not. If other players are divided, then the First Officer decides. For added suspense it's recommended to keep the earned cards face down until the end of the game.

NOTE! It's in the spirit of the game to be merciful and inspiring for younger and less experienced players. The goal of the game is to have fun and get excited about boating.

Shortcut Shallow

(blue arrow spaces, Cards with Aalto symbol )

A player can ONLY access the spaces in the Shortcut Shallow if they have the Permission to Take a Shortcut Event card.

Shortcut Shallow spaces are treated as regular Question spaces (see Questions above).