Walls of York

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I have the most Viking Tokens during the Invasion?
Flip one and discard
If you have the most Viking Tokens, flip one over to the Invasion side (full Viking body) and discard the rest to the supply.
Related Rule(s)
Do I want coins in my city?
Coins are how you win the game, so try to get as many coins in your city as possible.
Related Rule(s)
Do I want Vikings in my city?
You want as few Vikings in your city as possible, as the player with the most will be invaded and lose points.
Can I place Walls off the board?
Walls can be placed on the external perimeter of the board, but no Wall Piece can be placed off of the board.
Do I have to follow the formation on the Building Die?
You have two options: follow the formation on the Building Die exactly (which can be mirrored) or place one Wall Piece instead.
What do the two sides of the Viking Token mean?
When you receive it, it should be on the side with the helmet and sword; this represents a Viking. If you are invaded in the Invasion! phase, you flip one over and discard the rest and that represents you were invaded.
Related Rule(s)
Is the Second Age different from the first?
Only slightly
Play the Second Age exactly like you did the first. The only difference is that after the "Invasion," the players with the least Viking Tokens receives the King's Shield.
Related Rule(s)
What happens in a tie?
Share it
Whichever players have the most coins share the victory
Related Rule(s)
What do I do on my turn?
Build Walls
On your turn, you will build walls in the formation shown on the Building Die, unless you have already closed your city, in which case, take the coin bonus instead.
What does the King's Shield do?
+3 coins
At the end of the game, the King's Shield is worth 3 coins. This is rewarded to the player with the least amount of Viking Tokens.
Related Rule(s)
What does the Invasion Token do?
-5 coins
At the end of the game, the Invasion Token will cost you 5 coins.
Related Rule(s)
When can I close my city?
On your turn
On your turn, you can close your city if a series of walls completely encloses the buildings required by the King's Decree.
Related Rule(s)
Why are there two sections on the building die?
Different situations
If your city isn't closed, use the red side, and build walls in the given formation. If your city is closed, use the white side, and take the coin bonus instead.
Related Rule(s)
How do I know what buildings I have to include in my city?
The King's Decree
The King's Decree (the numbers on the dice) will determine how many of each type of building required in your city.
Related Rule(s)
How do I set up my board?
Use colors/arrows
The colors of the gems and the direction of the arrows will determine the setup of the player board. Every player's board must be the same.
Related Rule(s)
How do I win?
Get the most coins.
The goal is to have the most coins at the end of the game, which is after the second age.
Related Rule(s)
How do I play?
Enclosing your city
There will be two rounds where the players will try to enclose their cities with walls, as designated by the Building Die.
Related Rule(s)
When does the game end?
After the Second Age
Once all the players enclose their city and the Vikings attack, that is the end of the game.
What is the tower for?
The King's Decree
The King's Tower will determine what you need to enclose in your city.
What do I do with the Shield?
It's rewarded later
Put it to the side until the end of the game; it will be rewarded to the player with the least Viking Tokens in front of them.
What do all the symbols on the boards mean?
The different symbols represent the 3 different buildings, Vikings, as well as bonus coin rewards.
When do I get to collect the coins on my board?
City Score
In the City Scoring Phase, you collect all the coins that are within your walls.
What do I use the blue dice for?
The King's Decree
You will only use the blue dice to determine what you need in your enclosed city by placing them in the King's Tower.
Related Rule(s)
What do I use the red die for?
Building Walls
Each turn, a player will roll it to see what formation of walls you can build. If you've already "closed" your city, take the coin bonus instead.
Related Rule(s)
When do I place the Walls?
Building the City
In the Building the City phase, players will take turns rolling the Building Die and all players placing their walls in the given formation on their board.