Last Light

Action Card #3 - Construct


Construct is broken into two parts (Ships & Extractor) which are resolved in order.

1. Ships

To build a ship, pay the cost indicated on your player board for the ship type you would like to build. You can build as many ships as you can afford to pay for. Built ships are placed in your home sector (the sector which contains your colony ship). Resources paid to build ships are returned to the supply.*

*If you wish to build a ship that is in an opponent’s graveyard, you must pay the ship build cost to that opponent instead of the bank and return the ship from their graveyard to play. You cannot build an extractor from an opponent’s graveyard.

2. Extractor

Place an extractor either on a sector of your colony ship that does not yet contain an extractor or in the sector of a planet containing only your ships and not containing a previously built extractor belonging to any player.

• You may only build a single extractor with this action.

• Building an extractor does not require you to pay any resources.

• A planet is considered to be controlled by the player who has an extractor on that planet.