Last Light

2-Player variant rules


When playing with 2 players, you must have at least 1 action card already played (i.e. on the table) before you can play your Refresh card.

Additionally, 2-player games include a non-player faction called “The Lumos.”

During setup, select an unplayed color to act as the Lumos and set their ships next to the game board. The Lumos will need no components other than their ships.

Add 2 small Lumos ships to the center sector of the game board (in the sector containing the white dwarf star).

Every time the board rotates, add 2 more ships to the center sector. Add the two smallest ships available.

When Lumos ships are destroyed they go to the player’s graveyard as normal. When they are removed from the graveyard, they are returned to the box. They are never added back to the Lumos’ supply. If you run out of ships to add to the center sector, no new Lumos ships will join the game.

The Lumos are allied to whichever human player has the least light. If players are tied for light the Lumos are not allied to any player.

Lumos ships blockade planets of the player(s) they are not allied with.

When an allied player plays the Command card, they may command the Lumos ships as well.

Lumos ships do not reveal exploration tiles when entering a sector that contains them.

Lumos ships do not use your faction ability—they are their own faction.

When attacking with Lumos ships, roll separately from your own ships as Lumos ships do not use technologies associated with your civilization or your ships—they attack only using the base stats associated with their ship size.

Ships destroyed by Lumos ships that you are controlling do go to your graveyard.

The Lumos change allegiance only at the end of an action card resolution. (e.g. If you were to discover a light during the move portion of command that would tie you with the other player, you would still finish commanding all the Lumos before the alliance ended.)

STRATEGIC NOTE: Paying attention to when you gather light is important when playing with this variant. Controlling the Lumos can be key to your victory. As can making sure you don’t lose control of them while they occupy your sectors lest they suddenly begin blockading your extractors!