Last Light

Frequently Asked Questions

How much damage can extractors withhold?
1 damage
You only need 1 damage to destroy an extractor.
Where do destoryed extractors go?
Can extractors be left without a ship?
When can researched civilization cards be used?
They can be used either before, or after the entire action card is resolved.
When a planet is blockaded?
If enemy ships are present the planet is blockaded. You cannot gather light from a planet that is blockaded during the board rotation, but you can still mine for the resource(s) on the planetary exploration token (including light).
Related Rule(s)
When do I have control of a planet?
You have control of a planet if that planet contains one of your extractors. No ships of yours are required to be present for control. Enemy ships can be present, and you still have control.
Is an exhausted tech considered in play?
Exhausted techs are still considered in play for the purposes of collecting light from the Research card.
What happens if I don't have any extractors?
If all 8 Extractors are on the board or in opponents’ graveyards you cannot build a new extractor until one is released from a graveyard.
Can you move into a player’s colony ship area?
You can move into a player’s colony ship area but cannot attack the colony ship or bombard their extractors.
Is movement and attacking optional?
You may choose not to move some of your ships. For each ship type (size) in a sector, you may choose not to roll attacks. But if you attack, you must assign all hits that you roll (as long as there are legal targets).
With the ship/extractor exploration token, where does the ship come from?
Your supply
The ship/extractor is free and comes from your supply. If you do not have one available in your supply, you cannot build it.
Related Rule(s)
With the wormhole exploration token, where does the ship come from?
From anywhere
The ship comes from anywhere on the board.
Related Rule(s)
With the trade exploration token, do I also give a resource to an opponent?
No resource goes to an opponent. Collect a common resource or make an exchange with the supply according to the exchanges listed on the Trade card.
Related Rule(s)
How bombardment works?
Damage is assigned all at once. If there are no enemy ships in the sector, damage can be assigned to an extractor. If you roll enough hits to destroy all enemy ships present and there are still hits left to be assigned, that excess damage can be assigned to an extractor.
Related Rule(s)