
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check the if played Country cards are in correct places?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
How does the Debate mode work?
Debate cards aren't discarded after being used.
Related Rule(s)
How does the Campaign mode work?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Can I use cards played on Debate cards later in the game?
Instead of playing a Country card onto a Statement or Special Statement card, you may play it onto a Debate card that doesn’t already have a Country card on it. Country cards on Debate cards may be moved later on. If there are no free Debate cards, then you can only play your Country cards onto Statement or Special Statement cards.
What happens to Debate cards after I move a Country card away from it?
Gets discarded
Instead of playing a Country card onto a Statement or Special Statement card, you may play it onto a Debate card that doesn’t already have a Country card on it. Country cards on Debate cards may be moved later on.
Related Rule(s)
Can I move Country cards between different Statement cards later in the game?
Players are NOT allowed to move any played Country cards between Statement cards. Once played, they stay there until the end of the game.
Are cards in my hand limited for the whole game?
After playing a Country card, draw 1 card from the Country deck to your hand and end your turn.
Related Rule(s)
What is this game about?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
How many Statement cards are there in the game?
126 cards
Related Rule(s)
How many Country cards are there in the game?
Related Rule(s)
How can I make the game harder?
You may choose a Hard Setup card to make the game harder or you may play the Campaign mode of the game.
Related Rule(s)
How can I make the game easier?
You may choose an Easy Setup card to make the game harder or you may play the Debate mode of the game.
Related Rule(s)
How do I setup the game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
Are there any differences in the setup depending on player count?
Related Rule(s)
Can players talk to one another during the game?
Sort of
You are allowed to openly debate all the face-up cards on the table, but you are not allowed to discuss the exact Country cards in your hand.
Can I talk about the card in my hand?
You are allowed to openly debate all the face-up cards on the table, but you are not allowed to discuss the exact Country cards in your hand.
Can I talk about the open cards on the table?
You are allowed to openly debate all the face-up cards on the table, but you are not allowed to discuss the exact Country cards in your hand.
Is it mandatory to talk during the game?
No, players are not required to talk during the game, but it is highly recommended.
How do I interpret the statements about late historical events?
Important: All statements refer to modern-day countries and their territories. For example, Spain fits the statement “Was part of the Roman Empire (totally or partially)” even though there was no such country at the time.
Related Rule(s)
Is it possible that some statements are false?
It might be
The publisher and the designer have gone over all the statements multiple times checking them through multiple sources. To the best of their abilities, they have made sure that the statements are true as of the end of 2023. As time goes by, events happen, and facts can change.
Related Rule(s)
To which year are the statements checked to be true?
Up to 2024
The publisher and the designer have gone over all the statements multiple times checking them through multiple sources. To the best of their abilities, they have made sure that the statements are true as of the end of 2023. As time goes by, events happen, and facts can change.
Related Rule(s)
How many statement catefories are there in the game?
7 categories
There are a total of 7 different Statement categories - Politics, Geography, Economics, Nature, Sports, Culture and History.
Related Rule(s)
What are the categories of statements in the game?
There are a total of 7 different Statement categories - Politics, Geography, Economics, Nature, Sports, Culture and History.
Related Rule(s)
What is the flow of the game?
See the following rule(s) to find an answer to this question.
Related Rule(s)
When does the game end?
When all Statement cards and Special Statement cards have at least 2 Country cards played to them, the game ends and players check how well they did.
Related Rule(s)
How can I win the game?
You win if you make 3 or fewer mistakes during the game.
How can I lose the game?
You lose if you make 4 or more mistakes during the game.
What can I do during my turn?
During your turn, you can either play one of your cards to one of the Statement cards or a Debate card -OR- you can move one of the Open Country cards or a card from the Debates to one of the Statement cards.