The Red Cathedral

Frequently Asked Questions

In a two-player game, how many Prestige Points does the player with the lower presence in a tower gains?
A third of the total
The player with the greater presence in the tower (more Banners and Ornamentations) gets all of the points granted by that tower and the other player, if they are present in that tower, gets one third of the total instead of half (always rounding down). If they are tied, neither player gets any points for that tower.
Does a player score Prestige Points at the end of the game, if they haven't contributed to a tower?
If a player does not have any Banners or Ornamentations in a tower, they receive no points for that tower.
Related Rule(s)
What breaks a tie for players with the same score at the end of the game?
Completed sections
If there is a tie during end-game scoring, the tied player with most completed sections wins. If the tied players have completed the same number of sections, the one with the most Ornamentations placed will be the winner. If they are still tied, then the players share the victory.
Related Rule(s)
How many Prestige Points are uncompleted Cathedral sections worth at the end of the game?
Cathedral sections that are not completed are not counted at all in the final scoring and therefore provide no Prestige Points.
Related Rule(s)
How many unspent Materials and Rubles earn 1 Prestige Point at the end of the game?
Each player scores 1 Prestige Point for every 5 Materials and Rubles that they return to the general reserve at the end of the game.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player score more than 40 Prestige Points?
If a player goes beyond 40 Prestige Points, flip their score counter so it shows the “+40” side and continue counting from the beginning of the track.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player activate both Workshop tiles in the white spaces on the same turn?
If a player moves the white die on the Market board and has two tiles assigned to it in their Workshop, they may only choose one of the two to activate that turn (you cannot use both).
How many times does a player activate a Resource tile, when they activate a Workshop tile which shows a die?
When a player activates a Workshop tile that shows a die, they gain the resources shown on the Resource tile next to the space that die is sitting in. They only get these resources once, regardless of the number of dice in that space.
Can a player perform an action with a lightning icon multiple times in a turn?
Actions marked with the lightning icon only allow the player to perform that action one time this turn
Related Rule(s)
How can a player expand their Inventory?
By claiming sections
Each Inventory initially has six open spaces, which can hold one Material each. Players can increase the size of their Inventories by claiming sections of the Cathedral.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player discard Materials from their Inventory to make space for new ones?
If a player gains Materials but there is no open space for them in their Inventory, the player cannot discard those already in their Inventory to make space. They can only keep Materials that they have enough space for.
Related Rule(s)
Are Resources component-limited?
Resources are limited to the quantity in the general supply. If any of them run out, any action that would award that Resource has no effect until the supply is replenished.
Can a player gain fewer Resources than the maximum they could gain in the Market?
When a player gains resources from the Market, they may choose to gain fewer resources than the maximum, which they would gain by multiplying the tile's resources by the number of dice on the space,
In which order a player has to perform market actions?
When a player moves a die in the market, they may perform any or all of the 3 market actions in any order the player wishes.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player perform the same market action multiple times in a turn?
When a player moves a die in the market, they may perform any or all of the 3 different market actions, but they may perform each action only once per turn.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player choose not to roll the dice on a space in the Market, when they move a die onto this space?
After moving a die in the Market, the player must roll all of the dice that are in that space and then put them back in that space.
Which dice must be rolled when a die moves onto a space in the Market?
All dice there
After moving a die in the Market, the player must roll all of the dice that are in that space and then put them back in that space.
What is the maximum number of dice on a space in the Market?
The maximum number of dice that can be in each space is three. If the moving die would end up in a full space, the player must choose a different die to move or—if it is the white die or their color—they may pay to increase its movement.
Can a player pay Rubles to move a die by fewer spaces in the Market?
A player may only pay Rubles to increase a die's movement, but cannot reduce it.
Can a player move a die in the Market by more than 6 spaces?
If a player uses the white die or the die that is their own color, they may spend Rubles to move it additional spaces (at a rate of one Ruble for each extra space), which can result in a total movement that is greater than six spaces.
Which dice a player must use to be able to move additional spaces in the Market?
White or their color
A player may spend Rubles to move a die additional spaces, if they use the white die or the die that is their own player color.
Can a player install multiple Ornamentations (on different sections) in a single turn?
When a player chooses the Build Sections of the Cathedral action, they may pay up to 3 Materials to build or decorate the Cathedral. Since each Ornament costs at least 1 Material, it is possible to install up to 3 Ornamentations in a single turn.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player install Ornamentations and place Materials on Sections of the Cathedral on the same turn?
When a player chooses the Build Sections of the Cathedral action, they may pay up to 3 Materials to either place them on their Sections of the Cathedral or to install any Ornaments, in any combination.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player pay for an Ornamentation during multiple turns?
Unlike sections of the Cathedral, Ornamentations must be paid for and completed in a single turn. Therefore, a player cannot install an Ornamentation on one turn, and add jewels on another turn.
Related Rule(s)
Does a player have to pay any jewels when installing an Ornamentation?
When installing an Ornamentation, a player may choose to pay 0, 1 or 2 (different) jewels to gain 0, 1 or 3 Prestige Points respectively.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player pay 2 jewels of the same color when installing an Ornamentation?
In order to gain 3 Prestige Points, a player needs to pay 2 jewels of different colors when installing an Ornamentation (or pay less to gain fewer Points).
Related Rule(s)
Can a player install an Ornamentation on a Cathedral section, built by another player?
Any player can install an Ornamentation on any completed Cathedral section, regardless of who built that section.
Related Rule(s)
Can a player install an Ornamentation on an unfinished Cathedral section?
Only completed Cathedral sections can have an Ornamentation installed on them.
Related Rule(s)
How many Ornamentations may be installed on a single Cathedral section?
Each completed section of the Cathedral has space to place a single Ornamentation.
Related Rule(s)
Does a player receive a penalty, when they complete a Cathedral section above their own unfinished section?
The player(s) who claimed unfinished cards below a just-completed one immediately lose Recognition Points equal to the number of completed sections above their cards, without counting their own completed sections.
Can a player deliver Materials to multiple Cathedral cards in a single turn?
When a player chooses the action to build sections of the Cathedral, the player takes the Materials they want to deliver from their Inventory and assigns them to one or more Cathedral cards that have their Banners on them.
How many Materials can a player place onto Cathedral cards per turn?
Up to 3
Each time a player chooses the action to build sections of the Cathedral, they may deliver up to three Materials to the Construction Site.
What benefit does a player gain, when they place a face down Workshop tile (without paying the cost in Rubles)?
Only a face up Workshop tile provides a benefit shown on it (immediately when placing it and each time when moving the corresponding die).
Can a player place a Workshop tile on a white Workshop space, which has a Banner on it?
A Workshop tile cannot be placed on a white Workshop space if the Banner blocking it has not been used to claim a Cathedral section (this is applicable only when playing with the advanced game Workshops).
If a player doesn't pay 3 Rubles when they get a Workshop tile, can they make an Ornament available, when playing with the advanced game Workshops?
If a player cannot or does not want to pay 3 Rubles to place a Workshop tile, when playing with the advanced game Workshops, no Ornamentation becomes available.
Can a player place their banner on any section, when claiming a Cathedral section?
They can only claim an available Cathedral card. A Cathedral card is available if it does not have a Banner on it and it is either any base card or any other type of card that is directly above another card that already has a Banner on it (from any player).
Can Ornamentations on Workshop tile spaces be used to decorate the Cathedral?
Ornamentations on Workshop spaces must become available before they can be used to decorate the Cathedral (this is applicable only when playing with the advanced game Workshops). An Ornamentation becomes available, when a player places a face up Workshop tile on its space (by paying 3 Rubles).
What is the cost to place a Workshop tile in the Workshop, when playing with the advanced game Workshops?
3 Rubles
Placing a Workshop tile in the Workshop has a fixed cost of 3 Rubles, when playing with the advanced game Workshops?
How many Cathedral sections a player has to complete to trigger the end of the game?
The game ends when one player has completed the construction of their sixth Cathedral section.
Related Rule(s)
Does a player have to roll all of the dice on a board space, when executing their optional action?
When a player executes the optional action to roll the dice on the board, they must choose one of the eight spaces on the board and re-roll all the dice there
Related Rule(s)
Can a player execute the optional action to roll dice multiple times in a turn?
Players can use the optional action to roll the dice on the board only once per turn.
Related Rule(s)
When can a player execute an optional action?
Any time of the turn
At any time during their turn, a player may decide to execute any of the two optional actions (lose Prestige Points in exchange for rubles or lose 1 Prestige Point in order to roll the dice).
Related Rule(s)
How many basic actions can a player take on their turn?
During their turn, the player must carry out one basic action (Claim a Cathedral Section, Build sections of the Cathedral or Acquire Resources from the market).
Related Rule(s)
Does the game immediately end when the end of the game is triggered?
After a player completes the construction of their sixth Cathedral section and therefore triggers the end of the game, all other players have one final turn before the game ends.
Related Rule(s)
Can I lose a Prestige Point for an Optional action, if I have 1 Prestige Point or less?
When you lose Prestige Points, you must move your marker back to the previous Prestige Point Space. Because the 0 space of the Scoring Track is not a Prestige Point space, you cannot lose Prestige Points until your marker has passed the first Prestige Point space.
Related Rule(s)
What do I get for triggering the end of the game?
3 Prestige Points
The first player to complete the construction of their sixth Cathedral section triggers the end of the game and gets 3 prestige points as a reward.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, what do I get for triggering the end of the game?
No player gains the 3 Prestige Points bonus for ending the game, when playing in Solitaire Mode.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, can Ivan trigger the end of the game?
In Solitaire Mode, the game is played until you or Ivan have finished their six parts of the Cathedral.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, does the other player get one more turn, after a player triggers the end of the game?
In Solitaire Mode, the end of the game is triggered, when you or Ivan have finished their six parts of the Cathedral. After this, the other player gets one final turn.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, what happens, if Ivan would move a die onto a Market space with 3 dice already there?
Skip this action
If Ivan would move a die to a space that already has three dice, do not perform this part of Ivan’s turn.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, which Resources can Ivan gain from the Market?
Recognition Points
Ivan doesn't gain any Resources from a Market action, but he may still obtain Recognition Points (either because he lands on a Market space that grants it or because the Influence card gives him Recognition Points). In this case, update his score counter.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, what does gain for installing an Ornamentation?
1 Prestige Point
Whenever Ivan installs an Ornamentation on a Cathedral section, he gains 1 Prestige Point.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, does Ivan perform a Solitaire card action, even if he cannot move a die in the Market?
After Ivan moves a die (if possible), perform the action indicated on a Solitaire card below the leftmost face up Workshop tile.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, which Materials does Ivan gain, when he performs his Inventory action?
The Material type does not matter for the Ivan's Inventory action, simply take Materials from the pile that has the most.
In Solitaire Mode, when Ivan claims a Cathedral section, does he gain anything from the Workshop tile there?
Recognition Point
When Ivan claims a Cathedral section with a Workshop tile, which grants a Recognition Point, he gains that Recognition Point. In any other case, he gains nothing.
In Solitaire Mode, does Ivan have to match the types of needed Materials when he builds the Cathedral sections?
When Ivan takes his Construction action, he does not need to match the specific resources indicated on the Cathedral cards. The only thing he must respect is the number of Materials required.
In Solitaire Mode, what rewards Ivan gains when he completes a Cathedral section?
Recognition Points
Whenever Ivan Completes a Cathedral section, he receives the Recognition Points indicated on the completed card.
In Solitaire Mode, can Ivan place Materials on multiple Cathedral sections in a single turn?
If, during Ivan's Construction action, he has more Materials than are needed to complete a Cathedral section, the extras are placed on the next Cathedral card he has claimed (going from left to right, bottom to top).
In Solitaire Mode, if Ivan gains Recognition Points from a Resource tile, do I need to multiply the Points by the number of dice on the Market space?
If Ivan activates a Resource tile, which provides a Recognition Point, multiply it by the number of dice in the Market space, as usual.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, when Ivan moves a die to a space on the Market board, are the dice rerolled in this space?
After Ivan moves a die onto a space on the Market board, reroll all of the dice on this space, just like with a regular player.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, does Ivan receive a building penalty, if I complete Cathedral cards above his unfinished card?
Just like a regular player, Ivan receives a penalty, if you complete a Cathedral card above his unfinished card.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, what happens, if Ivan performs his Construction action, but he has no Materials on the Construction card?
Skip the action
If there are no Materials on the Inventory card when Ivan performs his Transport action, skip this Transport action (while still moving a die on the Market board, as usual).
In Solitaire Mode, what happens, if Ivan performs his Transport action, but he has no Materials on his Inventory card?
Skip the action
If there are no Materials on the Inventory card when Ivan performs his Transport action, skip this Transport action (while still moving a die on the Market board, as usual).
In Solitaire Mode, how is the winner determined?
Most Prestige Points
Just like in a regular game, the player (either you or Ivan), who has the most Prestige Points at the end of the game, wins the game.
Related Rule(s)
In Solitaire Mode, when Ivan activates the recommended first-game Influence card, does he gain 2 Recognition Points, if he has completed the required Cathedral sections?
When Ivan activates the Influence card recommended for the first game, he gains 2 Recognition Points, if he has completed the required sections. If he has not yet completed the required sections, he gains 1 Recognition Point.
Related Rule(s)