The Estates

Placing a building permit


A Building Permit must be placed immediately after its auction, or it is removed from the game. Building Permits can shorten or lengthen the development requirement for one of the 3 rows in The Estates.

Place a Building Permit on an empty development lot in the desired row. The location of the placed Building Permit marks the new development requirement. More than one Building Permit may be placed in the same row, either extending or shortening the development requirement. When placing a Building Permit on a row with another Permit, the previously-placed Building Permit is moved to occupy the same space as the newly-placed Building Permit. It is possible for a completed row of buildings to be lengthened by placing a Building Permit, making that row now incomplete.

1 barrier: shortens or lengthens the current development requirement of a row by 1 building

2 barrier: shortens or lengthens the current development requirement of a row by 2 buildings

3 barrier: shortens or lengthens the current development requirement of a row by 3 buildings

A Building Permit cannot shorten the development requirement of a row if the current amount of developed lots already exceeds what the adjusted requirement would be.

The 2 Barrier (upper row) makes the upper row 2 lots shorter.

The 1 Barrier (middle row) makes the middle row 1 lot longer.

The 2 Barrier has previously made the middle row 2 lots shorter. Now, placing the 3 Barrier, the middle row is lengthened by 3 lots. In this example with both Barriers in the middle row, the total development requirement is 5 buildings.