Ice tiles score
The values of ice monsters are 1, 2, 3 or 4 points. They can mutate, when they are connected to a mutagenic monster. The monsters’ final form has a higher value!
Big Monster score
1 tile = 1 point Complete Big Monster = 11 points
Lava tiles score
Dragons are worth 1 or 3 points and they are surrounded by parts of crystals. A complete crystal brings points.
Grassland tiles score
Grassland monster tiles give points under conditions
Swamp tiles score
2 points per swamp monster
1 tile = 2 points (2 points per tile)
2 tiles = 8 points (4 points per tile)
3 tiles = 18 points (6 points per tile)
4 tiles = 32 points (8 points per tile)
5 tiles = 50 points (10 points per tile)