Marriage Material

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times can a Commitment get passed around the table?
OMG...a lot!
Once a Commitment hits the table and is played it will go around the table until someone completes it. Because, let’s face it…who wants to look like they've got all the skills of a future spouse? With this in mind, in our own games we’ve seen Commitments go around the table three, almost four times. It doesn’t matter that you’ve already excused yourself out of that specific Commitment twice before…so has everyone else. So it just keep going and going until someone is either unable to pass it on, or they just decide it’s not worth using so many Excuses to do so anymore. When the Commitment is finally accepted by someone, the turn ends, the marker moves to the next player and it starts all over again.
If the Commitment is passed to me, do I get to draw two cards from the Cop-Out deck?
No, you may not. The only time you get Cop-Out cards is the beginning of your turn. Since the Commitment belongs to someone else, you only have the excuses that are in your hand.
Do the Influence cards also go into my completed Commitments area?
No they do not. Only the completed Commitments, those Influence cards were only Mom's guilt trip. Shake it off!
How many cards can I have in my hand?
You can have as many as you like, I would caution you on doing so, as there are events that may pass that advantage to another player.
Who is on the Influence card?
It's Mom, don't your recognize her?
Can I play more than one Excuse card on a Commitment?
Yes, you can. In fact not only are you able to play multiple Excuses in order to get out of a particular Commitment…most of the time you will have no choice BUT to use more than one. If you happen to be the lucky player with a hand full of low point Excuses, you most likely will find yourself stringing your small Excuses together in a high drama story of how you couldn’t possibly do that particular Commitment. Even if you have to burn most of your hand in order to get out of a particular Commitment sometimes it worth it to keep your point total low. When the turn marker comes back around you’ll start to build your hand up again, and you never know, perhaps fate will smile fondly upon you and just give you a small Commitment to cope with next time.
Related Rule(s)
I have excused myself for more points than the Commitment requires, can I bank my Excuse points for the next Commitment that comes?
Unfortunately not, but we’re sure you fooled your Significant Other stylishly with the perfect Excuse for the Commitment at hand. Some people like to play where they deliberately use higher Excuses than are really needed in order to deter Influence cards being slid their way. However, others find it more useful to play Excuses that only add up to the Commitment total and then play it by ear for any sneaky Influence that might slide in. Regardless of the preference, when that Commitment is passed off to the next player, all points attached to it, be that Excuses or Influence, are sent to the discard pile.