
Completing Patterns


Exact Color Patterns

A pattern showing Yarn of specific colors can only be Crafted by turning in Yarn tokens that exactly match the Pattern. For example, the Scarf Pattern to the left must be made with 1 purple, 1 blue, 1 orange, and 1 yellow.

Note: Your starting patterns for Bears, Mittens, and Scarves (as well as all Special Request cards) have exact color requirements.

General Color Patterns

A pattern that has a color rule but does not show Yarn of specific colors can be Crafted by turning in Yarn tokens of any colors that follow the rule. For example, the Scarf Pattern to the left can be made with any 4 different color Yarn tokens.

Note: Hats and Blankets always have general color requirements. You can learn general patterns for other Items during your Restock Actions.