Life in Reterra

Game and Turn Structure



Take turns in clockwise order, adding land, buildings, and inhabitants to your community.

The game ends when all players have finished their communities, and it's time for the end scoring. A community is complete when it makes a square of 16 land tiles placed in a 4x4 grid.


1. Place 1 land tile. (See 1. Place a Land Tile)

2. If that land tile has a gear, you may place 1 building or 1 inhabitant. (See 2. Place a Building or Inhabitant)

3. Use building powers (if you can). (See 3. Use Your Buildings' Powers)

4. Refill the land tile row (if needed). (See 4. Refill the Land Tile Row)

Here is an example of what your community might look like when it’s done (4 land tiles by 4 land tiles)!