Audio Mixing Objectives


Audio Mixing Objectives (▶) can be completed immediately if, when editing or recording an Audio Card, the player creates a sequence of cards that fully or partially matches the sequence on an Objective Card.

To fulfill an Audio Mixing Objective, the player must reveal the card and then place a Audio Mixing Marker of their color on the Studio Board.

The marker must be placed on the leftmost available space in the Audio Mixing Area of the track where the last card was edited or recorded.

Placing the Audio Mixing Marker on the first three spaces covers a Victory Point icon, reducing the number of VPs players get when recording an Audio Card on the track.

If there are no available spaces, no Audio Mixing Objective can be fulfilled on that track for the rest of the game.

The fourth space is only available in a 4-player game.

An Audio Mixing Objective can only be fulfilled at the moment you place (Record) or move (Edit) an Audio Card on the Studio Board, and this card is part of the sequence indicated on the Objective.

Editing → Swap Audio Cards in the Studio Tracks through Bonus Actions or Vinyl Record Actions.

Record → Play an Audio Card from your hand and place it in a space on the Studio Tracks through Studio Actions.

If the sequence matches all 4 cards, the player gain 7 VPs.

If it matches 3 cards, the player gain 4 VPs. (Either the first three cards or the last three)

If it matches any 2 cards (first two, middle two, last two), the player gain 2 VPs

Strategy Tip: Waiting to sequence all 4 cards is tempting to get those 7 points – but you may consider scoring fewer cards, as an opponent can mix your track and spoil your hard work.

Example (part 1): After recording an Audio Card, the blue player decides to score a Audio Mixing Objective Card. The blue player reveals the Objective Card, indicating that the recorded Audio Card created a sequence of 3 matching cards, thus gaining 4 VPs. (A)

Example (part 2): The Audio Mixing Marker is placed on the first available space in the Audio Mixing Area of the track . From now on, this track will only grant 2 VPs when an Audio Card is recorded on it. (B)