The Studio Board


In the third phase of the turn, producers and the band are in the studio, creating, recording, and editing new songs for the B-side. For this,the Studio Board is used. It has five main areas:

A: The Studio Tracks, where players place the Audio Cards.

B. The Audio Mixing Area, where players place the Audio Mixing Markers during the game. This shows which producer is credited with the most influence on a given track.

C. The Production Tracks, where players track their Production Points, which are used to pay for Bonus Actions.

D. The Equalization Tracks, where players place their EQ Knobs.

E. The Harmony Bonus Actions that players can perform if they have met the indicated conditions. The Bonus Cards are placed beside this edge of the board.

A note to musicians: Each of the 4 tracks is considered a song, not four tracks of one song. Therefore, drums, guitar, bass and vocals will all be placed onto the same track. Think of it as a portion of the song highlighting their talents.