Can I spend more Productions Points to do more than one bonus action?
No, during the Production Phase, you can only spend 2 Production Points and do 1 bonus actions. You are not allowed to spend more to do more bonus actions.
When do I score Audio Mixing Objective?
End of each Phase
You score Audio Mixing Objectives at the end of the phase that allowed you to score them.. This means that if you score it after playing a card in your Studio Phase, you cover the VP icon AFTER scoring it. On the other hand, if you score your objective during the Vinyl Phase, you cover the VP icon BEFORE moving on to the next phase, so you may score less VP in the following Studio Phase.
When scoring player's EQ Knobs, do I count myself again?
You gain Victory Points equal to the total of EQ knobs on the Artist's EQ Track. Then, only the other player gain points for their EQ knobs on the same track. You do not gain additionnal VPs.
What happens if I do not have any cards to play ?
End your turn
If you do not have an Audio Card to play at the beginning of your turn, you cannot play your Studio Phase and must skip it. Try to avoid this at all costs!
Shouldn't there be only 1 instrument per track?
For our musician players: in HIFI, each of the 4 tracks is considered a song, not four tracks of one song. Therefore, drums, guitar, bass and vocals will all be placed onto the same track. Think of it as a portion of the song highlighting their talents.
Do we spin the Vinyl like a roulette ?
No, the vinyl is moved only one or two space at a time, or more if you spend production points.
Do we play in a clockwise order?
No, in HIFI, the player order is not determined by your placement around the table. The first turn order is random, and then you have to redefine it at the start of each round.
Can I change the order of the Bonus Actions?
You can shuffle the Bonus Cards to change the game once you are familiar with the game. Or you can try the Advanced Mode !
What are the icons on the corner of the Cards?
Advanced Actions
Those are Bonus Actions, only used in the Advanced Game mode.