Robo Factory

Check the produced robots


The Customer compares every Robot with the Order Card and takes the following steps:

If there is at least one player that has constructed the correct Robot:

1. Congratulations! Each player that produced the correct Robot gets 4 Small Energy Cubes from the pot. If there are

not enough Small Energy Cubes, a player needs to exchange 5 Small Energy Cubes for 1 Large Energy Cube.

2. The current Customer’s turn now ends and the next player (in clockwise order) becomes the next Customer. Shuffle all

the Robot Cards and follow step “1. Get Ready” again until the game ends.

If there is no player who built the Robot as ordered:

1. The Customer checks the colors of the Robot Parts that the Manufacturers chose and gives them each a corresponding

Data Tile to show how many Robot Parts match with the Order Card. The Data Tiles are handed over face-down so the

other Manufacturers cannot see the amount of matching Parts. In the above example, the Manufacturer had produced

a Roboto with a red head, a green torso and green legs while the legs of the Robot on the Order Card are blue. This

Manufacturer therefore receives a Data Tile with the number “2” on it from the Customer.

2. Each Manufacturer then has one more chance to produce the correct Robot as is described under point “3. Produce a


3. Each Manufacturer that has then produced the correct Robot gets 2 Small Energy Cubes from the central pile.

4. Each manufacturer that was not able to produce the correct Robot will have to pay the customer 1 Small Energy Cube. If

the manufacturer does not have any Energy Cubes left, then no payment is made.

5. The customer turn now ends and the next player becomes the customer. Shuffle all the Robot Cards and follow the same process as before.