Robo Factory

Frequently Asked Questions

Who wins the game?
Most energy cubes
At the end of the game the winner is the player that has the most Energy Cubes. There can be more than one winner per game if there are more players with the same amount of Energy Cubes at the end of the game. Those players share the victory or another round (each player takes a turn as the Customer) will be played as long as it takes to determine a winner.
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How many cubes do you get?
At the start of the game, each player gets 4 energy cubes. When you produce a correct robot in the first round, you get 4 energy cubes from the pot. When you produce a correct robot in the second round, you get 2 energy cubes. Customers can get cubes when a player buys information from them or when nobody has produced the correct robot after 2 rounds. In that case, each manufacturer has to pay 1 energy cube to the customer.
What happens if nobody produced the correct robot?
That depends
If no correct robot is produced in the first round, the customer will give each manufacturer a data tile indicating how many parts they produced correctly. The manufacturers have one more chance to produce the correct robot. If nobody manages to produce the correct robot in their second try, then all manufacturers have to pay the customer 1 energy cube in compensation. This round is then over and the next customer becomes the customer.
Can you use the siren more than once?
You can only use the siren once per game
Related Rule(s)
When to use the siren?
When you are sure
When you are 100% sure that your robot is correct, you may shout "Eureka!" and place the siren on your personal board. This player is then allowed to roll the die and if the Robot is correct, that player receives the number of Small Energy Cubes it rolled from the central pile. This is an extra reward on top of what that Manufacturer would already get. However, if the wrong Robot was produced, that player has to pay the amount of Small Energy Cubes rolled with the die to the pot.
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How to produce a robot?
Place tokens
Place your robot tokens on your personal board. Do this face down on the color you wish to produce for that part of the robot, i.e. when you want to produce a red head, put the token with the robot head face down on the red conveyer belt of your personal board.
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How to analyze the information
Use marking table
The marking table can make it easier to analyze all the information. If i.e. a robot has the data tile "0", you can cross off all those parts on the marking table. It will be more clear for the manufacturer which options are still remaining.
How many robot cards does each manufacturer get?
The customer gives each manufacturer 3 robot cards. The manufacturer can buy extra information from the customer by giving 1 of these cards to the customer. The customer will then give a data tile to this manufacturer to indicate how many parts are similar to the robot on the order card. This costs the manufacturer 1 energy cube that the customer is allowed to keep.
What are data tiles
Tokens with 0, 1, 2
Data tiles are the tokens that have a "0", "1" or "2" depicted on them. These are used to indicate how many parts of a robot are the same as the robot on the order card.
What robot needs to be produced?
See the order card
The Customer draws an robot card from the pile and puts it face down in front of him. On this card a robot is depicted. The Manufacturers need to produce exactly this robot.
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Who starts?
The youngest player
The youngest player will start as the first Customer. The rest of the players will become the Manufacturers. All players take turns being the Customer or Manufacturers.
Related Rule(s)
Who starts?
The youngest player
The youngest player will start as the first Customer. The rest of the players will become the Manufacturers. All players take turns being the Customer or Manufacturers.
What to do with all the Energy Cubes?
Place in a pile
Everybody starts with 4 small energy cubes (the green ones). The rest of the energy cubes are put in a central pile that all players can reach.
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What does a player get at the start of the game
5 things
a. 1 x Personal Board (= player’s factory) b. 1 x Siren including base c. 1 set of Part Tiles (3 different body parts) d. 4 x Small Energy Cubes e. 1 sheet of the Marking Table
With how many Energy Cubes does a player start?
Where do you place the game board?
In the middle
The game board is placed in the center of the table. Every player should have a good view of the cards that will be placed on the game board.
Related Rule(s)
What is the goal of the game?
Gain energy cubes
The player that has the most energy cubes at the end of the game wins. Energy cubes can be gained by producing the robots that the customer wants.
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