How do Zoomies tokens score?
See token
At the end of the game, you will score laddered points for every dog with the Zoomies icon in the same group as the dog with your token on it. The token shows the number of points you get for each size of Zoomies group: 1 (for 1 dog), 3 (for 2 dogs), 6 (for 3 dogs), 10 (for 4 dogs), and 15 (for 5 dogs).
How do Frens tokens score?
2 for each side
Frens tokens score 2 points for each unique side where a dog in the base Pack is adjacent to a dog of the Frens breed, NOTE: The same dog may be adjacent more than once.
How do Bones tokens score?
2 for each Bone
Bones tokens score 2 points for each Bones icon in their Pack.
How do Leader tokens score?
1 for each dog
Leader tokens score 1 point for each dog in their pack.
Do I have to place the token on a dog with a Bones icon?
This token may be placed on any dog, even if it doesn't have a Bones icon.
What if there is a tie?
Highest token wins
If there is a tie, the player with the highest single scoring token wins. If the result is still a tie, the win is shared.
What if there are 2 Zoomies tokens in the same group?
Split the points
If the tiles have aligned so that 2 or more players have tokens in in the same Zoomies group, split the points rounded down. Recall, though, that the maximum number of points for a Zoomies group is 15.
What if the same base Pack is Frens with the same breed?
Split the points
if the tiles have aligned so that 2 or more players have the same base Pack making Frens with the same other breed, split the points rounded down.
What if a group ends up with more than 1 Leader or Bones token?
Split the points
If the tiles have aligned so that 2 or more players have the Leader or Bones tokens in the same Pack, split the points rounded down.
Do all dogs in a Zoomies group have to be the same breed?
A Zoomies group may include dogs of different breeds.
Can a Zoomies group include adjacent dogs?
All connections must be adjacent for placement and scoring. Diagonal connections do not count.
How do Zoomies tokens score?
See token
At the end of the game, you will score laddered points for every dog with the Zoomies icon in the same group as the dog with your token on it. The token shows the number of points you get for each size of Zoomies group: 1 (for 1 dog), 3 (for 2 dogs), 6 (for 3 dogs), 10 (for 4 dogs), and 15 (for 5 dogs).
Can a Zoomies group have more than 1 Zoomies token?
A Pack can have more than 1 Zoomies token in it as long as the Zoomies groups within the Pack do not touch each other.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Zoomies token?
A Pack can have more than 1 Zoomies token in it as long as the Zoomies groups within the Pack do not touch each other.
How many dogs can be in a Zoomies group?
A Zoomies group may have no more than 5 dogs. NOTE: It is possible for 2 separate Zoomies groups to end up touching through subsequent tile placement, creating a large Zoomies group.
If that happens, the points are split evenly (rounded down) between all affected players.
(Recall, though, that the maximum is 15 points for Zoomies.)
Do you place a scoring token on the second tile you play as a Zoomies reward?
Do not place a scoring token on the second tile you get to play after playing a Zoomies token.
When scoring Frens, can the same dog score more than once?
If the Frens breed is adjacent on more than one side, the same dog may score more than once.
Which breed is the base of the Frens-ship?
With the token
The breed with the token is the base of the Frens-ship and becomes Frens with the breed the arrow is pointing to.
Can the same two breeds become Frens more than once?
The same two breeds may become Frens more than once as long as the Base of each Frens-ship is different.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Frens token?
A Pack may have more than 1 Frens token as long as each token is pointing to a different breed.
How do Frens tokens score?
2 points per side
Frens tokens score 2 points for each unique side where a dog in the base Pack is adjacent to a dog of the Frens breed, NOTE: The same dog may be adjacent more than once.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Bones token?
A Pack may not have more than 1 Bones token. NOTE: It is possible for 2 tokens of the same kind to end up in the same Pack if 2 Packs that had been separate are later joined by new tiles placed. If this occurs, those players will split the points, rounded down.
How do Bones tokens score?
2 for each bone
Bones tokens score 2 points for each Bone icon in their Pack.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Leader token?
A Pack cannot have more than 1 Leader token. NOTE: It is possible for 2 tokens of the same kind to end up in the same Pack if 2 Packs that had been separate are later joined by new tiles placed. If this occurs, those players will split the points, rounded down.
How do Leader tokens score?
1 for each dog
Leader tokens score 1 point for each dog in their pack.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Zoomies token?
A Pack may have more than 1 Zoomies token as long as the Zoomies groups for each token are not touching each other.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Frens token?
A Pack may have more than 1 Frens token as long as each token is pointing to a different breed of dog.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Bones token?
A Pack may not have more than 1 Bones token. NOTE: It is possible for 2 tokens of the same kind to end up in the same Pack if 2 Packs that had been separate are later joined by new tiles placed. If this occurs, those players will split the points, rounded down.
Can a Pack have more than 1 Leader token?
A Pack may not have more than 1 Leader token. NOTE: It is possible for 2 tokens of the same kind to end up in the same Pack if 2 Packs that had been separate are later joined by new tiles placed. If this occurs, those players will split the points, rounded down.
Do you play a token on your second Zoomies tile?
If you play a second tile as part of a Zoomies reward, you do not place a scoring token on your second tile.
Do I have to play a scoring token each turn?
Must either place or discard a scoring token each turn.
When do I score my tokens?
End of the game
Tokens are not scored until the end of the game.
Are all dogs of the same type in a Pack?
Dogs of the same breed must be directly adjacent to be in the same Pack.
Can a single dog be a Pack by itself?
A single dog may be a Pack by itself.
What if I cannot play either of my tiles according to the rules?
Discard & Draw
If you can play a tile on your turn, you must. If you can’t legally play ANY of your tiles, you must discard both tiles in your hand, draw up, and place 1 of your new tiles.
Do I have to match both dogs on my tile?
You must match at least one dog on your tile, but you do not have to watch both.
Can I match dogs diagonally?
All connections must be orthogonally adjacent for placement and scoring. Diagonal connections do not count.
When are points scored?
End of the game
No points are scored until the end of the game.
What if I cannot place a scoring token according to the rules?
Discard One
If you are unable to legally place a scoring token, you must discard one instead.
Can I pass my turn?
You must place a dog tile and either place or discard a scoring token each turn.
How many tiles does each player start with?
Each player should draw 2 tiles at the beginning of the game.
Do the dogs on the starting tiles need to be matched?
The starting tiles should be placed randomly. Some times there may be matching dogs, other times there may be none.
Where are the other tokens?
Double sided
The scoring tokens are double sided. Each color should have 8 tokens. Each circular token has a Leader icon (single dog) on one side and a Zoomies token (paw print) on the other side. Each square token has a Bones icon on one side and a Frens icon (two dogs) on the other side.
How do you win the game?
Score most points
Play your dog tiles and scoring tokens to build packs that score the most points at the end of the game.