Place this token on 1 dog with the arrow pointing toward an adjacent dog of a different breed.
The pack with the token is now the Base of the Frens-ship and is Frens with the breed the arrow is pointing to.
At the end of the game, you will score 2 points for every unique side where a dog in the Base Pack is adjacent to a dog of the Frens breed.
The same dog may be adjacent on more than one side.
Frens must point to a different breed than the dog the token is placed on.
One Pack is allowed to be the Base for more than 1 other Frens token as long as the arrows point to different breeds.
In this example, Orange and Purple can both have a Frens token in the Pack of poodles, because the Orange token is pointing at a beagle and the Purple token is pointing at a husky.
The same 2 breeds may become Frens a second time as long as the Base of each Pack is different.
In this example, poodles and beagles can be Frens a second time because the Base of the Orange Frens-ship is poodles and the Base of the Purple Frens-ship is beagles.
In this example, Orange placed their Frens token on a beagle with the arrow pointing to a poodle. At the end of the game they score 10 points, 2 points for each of the 5 unique connections from the Base beagles Pack to the adjacent poodles.
In this example, Orange placed their Frens token on a poodle with the arrow pointing to a beagle. At the end of the game, they score 6 points, 2 points for each of the 3 unique connections from the Base poodles pack to the adjacent beagles.