
Playing the Game


Each game of Sagrada is played over 10 rounds.

Draft Pool

Each round, the Start Player (the player with the Dice Bag) pulls dice out of the Dice Bag at random and rolls them. The number of dice pulled depends on the number of players:

2 Players - 5 Dice

3 Players - 7 Dice

4 Players - 9 Dice

(the rule is 2 per player, plus 1 additional die)

Once rolled, these dice form the Draft Pool.

Player Actions

Beginning with the Start Player, each player takes a turn in clockwise order. On a player’s turn, they may perform each of the following actions in any order:

• Select 1 die from the Draft Pool and place it in an open space on their Window. This is referred to as Drafting a Die.

• Use 1 Tool Card by spending Favor Tokens.

Each action is optional - A player may choose to perform both actions, only one action or pass their turn taking no actions.

Turn Order

Turns proceed clockwise with each player taking a turn or passing.

Once the last player has completed their first turn, the round continues in reverse order (counter-clockwise). Beginning with the last player, each player takes a second turn (selecting a second die from the Draft Pool, etc.)

Once the Start Player has taken their second turn, proceed to the END OF THE ROUND.

Turn Order Example with 3 players

Emily takes a turn (1), then Ben (2), then Mari (3). After that Mari takes her second turn (4), then Ben (5), then Emily (6).