How do I make the game harder?
Keep reward cards
For more challenge, randomly remove 1 card from the starting alta-hand or keep both cards from an Ultimatch reward in your hand (none added to the alta-hand).
How do I make the game easier?
Make 2 trades
For an easier game, add 1 or 2 cards from the deck to the starting alta-hand or allow the current player to make 2 trades.
How is Solitaire different than a multi-player game?
There is no alta-hand in solo mode. Both cards from an Ultimatch reward are kept in the hand. Players cannot pass or trade in a solo game. If the player is ever unable to play a card, the game ends in a loss.
What could cause us to lose?
All players pass
If all players pass, one after another, the game ends, and all players lose. In a solo game, the player loses if they are ever unable to make a match.
Who wins the game?
All players share a victory if the last card in the pyramid is matched.
What do I do if I need to draw a card but the draw pile is empty?
If the draw pile is ever empty and a player needs to draw a card, shuffle the discard pile to form the new draw pile and draw from it.
Do I draw a card to end my turn?
Cards are only drawn at the end of your turn if you have earned an Ultimatch reward or if you have passed.
Do the primary colors still mix if I'm using subtraction to match the number?
Primary colors cannot be subtracted from secondary colors. However, even if the number is being matched using subtraction, primary colors may be added to match a secondary color,
Can I choose which card from an Ultimatch reward goes to my hand and which goes to the alta-hand?
When you earn an Ultimatch reward, you draw 2 cards. You may choose which card to add to the alta-hand and which card to keep in your hand.
Can I choose to pass if I am able to make a match?
If you can make a match using cards from your hand, you must do so. However, if they only available match uses ONLY cards from the alta-hand, you may choose to pass.
How does color mixing work?
See card corners
The corners of the cards remind you which colors can be mixed and what colors they will make. Red and yellow can be mixed to make orange. Yellow and blue can be mixed to make green. Blue and red can be mixed to make purple.
Can I use subtraction to make a color mix match?
Color mixing is only additive. Green minus blue does not equal yellow.
Can I make more than 1 match on my turn?
Players can only make a single match on their turn.
If I run out of cards, can I still take a turn?
If a player has run out of cards, they may still take a turn. They may be given a card during the trade step even though they have no card to give in return. They may then choose to immediately play that card if they are able to make a match with it. If they do not receive a card during the trade step or are unable to match with the card they do receive they must pass and draw a card.
Can I look at the cards before I trade?
Cards are offered face down. The active player may not look at any offered cards before making their trade. Players may indicate the value of their offered card through facial expressions, body language, gestures, or the way they place the card in front of them.
How many trades can I make on my turn?
Players may be offered multiple cards during the trade phase of their turn, but they may only make a single trade each turn.
Can I tell other players which cards I am able to match?
Players are only allowed to discuss the cards in the alta-hand. All information about your own cards should be kept to yourself, including which cards in the pyramid could be matched with the ones in your hands.
How do I set up a more difficult game?
Reduce the alta-hand
Randomly remove 1 card from the starting alta-hand.
How do I set up an easier game?
Add to the alta-hand
Draw an additional card (or tw0) and add it to the alta-hand after players have donated their cards and before the cards are revealed.
How many rows are in the pyramid?
See player count.
In a 1 to 3 player game there are 5 rows of cards (15 cards total). In a 4 to 5 player game there are 6 rows of cards (21 cards total).
How do players win the game?
Clear the Pyramid
Players win the game if all cards in the pyramid are cleared by making matches.
How do you win the game?
Clear the Pyramid
The game ends in a win if the last card in the pyramid is matched.
Who plays first the game?
The player who donated the highest numerical card to the alta-hand starts play. If there is a tie, the player closest to the dealer’s left goes first.
How many cards are dealt at the beginning of the game?
See player count
1 player: 13 cards
2 players: 6 cards
3 players: 4 cards
4 players: 5 cards
5 players: 4 cards