There are four players in the game. It’s Sergio’s turn, and Groo is in his town.
After the first phases, he rolls the dice! He rolls Rufferto on the Movement die, so Groo stays in his town.
On the other dice, he rolled 1 Groo, 1 Supply, 2 Labor, and 2 Kopins. He immediately uses the Groo result to play “The Wanderer,” sending Groo to visit Cherie. Sadly, he does not have the resources to get Groo to do anything awful there.
Sergio uses the single Labor die to build a Residence. To his dismay, he cannot do anything else and passes 2 Supply and 2 precious Kopins to Mark.
Mark uses 1 Kopin and 1 Supply to bring Chakall out and passes the remainder to Cherie.
Cherie has the Blacksmith card, which requires only a single Kopin. She plays it and passes the one remaining die, a Supply, to Ken.
Ken has no cards that require only a single Supply, so he can do nothing.
The dice have now been completely around the table, so the Leftover phase is over.