
Where you can move to/from



If your character or mech move into a territory controlled by an opponent’s workers (and no other units), its movement ends (even if you have a mech ability that would allow it to move further). Each of the opponent’s workers on that territory immediately retreats to their faction’s home base, leaving behind any resource tokens. You lose 1 popularity for each of their workers you forced to retreat—they’re not happy with you for forcing them off their land (in the case that you cannot reduce your popularity any further, the workers are still forced to retreat). If you still have movement remaining, other units can move into or through the newly vacated territory.

Your workers cannot move by themselves into territories controlled by opponent workers.


Any unit can move into a territory controlled only by a structure. The player who controls the unit now also controls the territory. Moving onto a territory with an opponents structure does not give you access to the bonuses provided by those structures. Mills on territories controlled by an opponent do not produce.


If your character or mech move into a territory controlled by an opponent’s character and/or mechs, its movement ends (even if you have a mech ability that would allow it to move further). The opponent still temporarily controls that territory. After you’ve completed all Move actions, if any of your mechs or your character share a territory with an opponent’s character or mechs, combat happens.

Your workers cannot move by themselves into or out of territories controlled by opponent characters and/ or mechs.

HOME BASE: By default, you may not use the Move action to move any unit from the board into any home base (including yours).

ENCOUNTERS: If you move your character into a territory with an encounter token, their movement ends and they cannot move again this turn. After resolving all combats for this turn, if your character is still in such a territory, discard the encounter token and resolve the encounter.

NO LIMIT: There is no limit to the number of same-faction units that can be on a territory.